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Couples who heal together, stay together. <3


Two hours committed to healing individually & collectively with your significant other. This could include a romantic partnership, friendship, parent child relationship & any other relationship that could benefit from sharing sacred healing space together.


We'll sit togeher, share stories, listen to one another's needs, & create an individualized plan that feels in alignment for you. This could include one or more of the following & beyond: 


* Energy Healing

* Reiki

* Magnified Healing

* Sound Bath

* Chakra Balancing

* Crystal Alilgnment

* Vibrational Healing

* Guided Meditation

* Intention Setting

* Release

* Cord Cutting

* Yoga

* Nutrition

* Breathwork

* Intuitve Readings

* CBD Support


This is a wonderful gift to give yourselves & your relationship any time of year, for any occasion, or just because. Perfect for times of stress, grief, loss, transitions, etc. but also during times of celebration, expansion, growth, learning, etc. 


Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable with each other + opening our hearts to receiving the healing that can benenfit both individually & together has the power to strengthen any relationship & to see each other in a more authentic way.


A safe & confidential space is created to meet you both exaclty where you are, individually & in your relationship, without judgement or even trying to fix or change anything. Sometimes just sitting & being with each other, supported by healing energy is all you need to receive new insights & make breakthroughs in your relationship & in yourself. By releasing attathments to expectations & outcomes + meeting your partner in a different setting, you may be surprised by the beauty & love that unfolds before you.

Couple's Healing Session (for any form of relationship)

  • Choose "Free Pickup / Class or Session" option in shipping window to remove shipping fee.

Wednesday: Noon - 6
Thursday: Noon - 6

Friday: Noon - 6
Saturday: Noon - 6
Sunday: Noon - 6
Monday: By Appointment
Tuesday: By Appointment

110 Main Street, Ludlow, Vermont

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